Rogue DPS Calculator:
Some code will be posted in the next post.
Possibilities of this calculator:
- Sustained and burst damage.
- Use of every single skill and talent that can affect your gameplay.
- Intelligent use of skills and abilities for the fight.
- Specification of which abilities you use and how you use them.
- Include opening moves for burst DPS.
- Include your armor sets.
- Choose between normalized fights or simulated fights.
- Save the combat log of the fight. Easy copy and paste in Excel.
- A table to show DPS for each skill if spammed, another to show the DPS from the results of the fight.
Help included:
- The Tables are automatically updated once the CALCULATE button is pressed.
- Mouse over any items in the 'Openers/Fight Specifications/Fight Rules/Equipment' table for 2 seconds for a brief desciption of the ruleset of the DPS calculations.
- Requires Javascript to work. Works well with Firefox/Mozilla.
- 'Mainhand weapon/Offhand weapon' Table : Insert your main hand and off hand weapon statistics
- 'Stats (excl. talents)/Skills (lvl 60 opponent only)' Table: Insert your character attributes (from the character pane (press C by default)), Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%, Improves your chance to hit by 1%, Increase weapon skill from items and racials. Skills to weapons are exact for level 60 opponents.
- 'Assassination/Combat/Subtlety' Table: Please fill in every talent skill you want to use for the DPS calculator. Please verify that if you want a talent to be used it must be selected in both tables (example: Preperation, Premedition, Cold Blood).
- 'Openers/Fight Specifications/Fight Rules/Equipment' Table: Every item on this table has an abbreviation code (mouse over for 2 seconds for a brief help).
- 'Openers' Table: is only for 30s, 60s, 120s fight. This is for Burst DPS (ie. PvE farming and PvP).
- 'Fight Specifications' Table: Which skills you want to use to view the overall DPS results in the 'DPS of the fight'. This helps to know which is the best skills/talents to use for your current build and itemization.
- 'Fight Rules' Table: This table is to view and add different aspects of the fight. This is where you pick if you want to use as main skill Sinister Strike, Backstab or Hemorrhage. There is also a pick on how the fight will be calculated (Simulation is not working at the moment).
- 'Equipment' Table: Include the sets that you are wearing to have a direct impact on the DPS calculation. (Looking into adding Bloodfang 8 set and Shadowcraft/Darkmantle 35 energy regeneration).
- 'DPS for each skill if constantly used when available' Table: This is to give the results of maximum DPS a skill can do if constantly used when available (SPAM).
- 'DPS of the fight' Table: Shows the results of your real DPS from all the options selected throughout all of the tables. Easy Copy/Paste in Excel.
- 'Results of the fight (Combat Log)' Table: Shows every aspect and skills used for the DPS calculation that was simulated.
- 1.12 update once the chages are known.
- Calculate AEP and linked to the site with all the equipment sorted as the AEP values given by the DPS calculator. Will only be available once 1.12 comes out.
- Adding the 8/8 Bloodfang set bonus and the Shadowcraft/Darkmantle 35 energy proc. Still evaluating the proc rate.
- Possibility to save a text/Excel format of the results and to save builds into cookies to be reloaded with the page.
- Ability to import directly the string from the talent calculator.
Possible changes in the futur:
Known issues:
- Sword Specialization: Doesn't reset the swing as it does in the game, so the DPS calculated from white damage is slightly higher than it should be.
- Simulations: Doesn't affect white damage.
- Simulations: Doesn't count the miss rate if the hit is under 100%, but instead the damage is multiplied by the chance to hit for special attacks. Loss of damage is too great for such a low %miss. So it is possible to get a damage lower than the minimum shown in the 'DPS for each skill if constantly used when available' table.")
The weapon expertise doesn't appear to shift the dps significantly either direction, 1dps different when I put in my gear...
Am I missing something or is it just that I have enough +hit gear that the extra weapon skill doesn't matter vs a level 63 mob?
Also is there a way to find out a boss's true level? IE: ragnaros vs vaelestraz, etc...
Very nice calculator. It is more full featured than the spreadsheet I've been using. What formula are you using to calculate damage for Ambush? It must differ from the one I use which is:
3*(WD+AP*1.7/14) + 235
WD = average weapon damage
AP = attack power
Sorry for the time it took, i'm new to the Blogging world. Though it would be easier to know when poeple left comments.
For Ambush:
You seem to have multiplied by 3 instead of by 2.5. Common mistake is usually adding Opportunity to the 2.5 to make it 2.7 (2.5+0.2) or 3.0 (2.5*1.2). I have read a few articles saying the tooltip in the WoW skill tab is wrong about oppotunity not affecting the +290. The tooltip of WoW notes: Weapon damage*3 + 290. Its actually (2.5 + 290)*1.2.
This is the direct code (modified for easier reading) I use:
avg = (mh_min + mh_max)/2;
dmg = (avg + (((AP)/14) * norm_delay)) * 2.5 + 290) * (1 + (talent_Opportunity * 0.04);
min_dmg = (mh_min + (AP/14 * norm_delay) * 2.5 + 290) * (1 + (talent_Opportunity) * 0.04);
max_dmg = (mh_max + (AP/14 * norm_delay) * 2.5 + 290) * (1 + (talent_Opportunity) * 0.04);
crit_dmg = dmg * 2;
crit_min_dmg = min_dmg * 2;
crit_max_dmg = max_dmg * 2;
avg_dmg = (dmg * ( - crittotal)) + (crit_dmg * crittotal);
The skill affects slightly %hit and %crit (%dodge,%miss,%parry,%block of the opponent is ignored until armor mitigation is included). Each skill point modifies it by 0.04.
The effect of the skill is only shown for the glancing blow part of the table at the bottom. +10 skill is equal to 0 glancings blow damage reduction.
Try it again :)
I use mozilla but cannot get the page to display correctly. I seem to have java/javascript enabled but no luck. Any possibilty of giving me a slight walkthrough to correct this? Im not much of a computer whiz im sorry to say. Thanks :)
If you are talking about the tables having columns looking weird its a bug i get also at times with Mozilla. Just press the refresh button of your browser a few times.
Figured it all out :D thanks a ton.
Seeing you are having bandwidth issues - I would volunteer to host a mirror for you...
I admin a few websites and have a professional hosting package...
Just let me know.
Interesting concept, I like what you're going for.
However, this is a lot of information to have to enter. It would be neat if it could parse/process the character information that is used in such programs such as WowReader (which reads all of this data anyway).
That way, you can just login, choose your character, and get a printout based on current character info.
Thanks for the offer, but the bandwidth is very high. since the 14th, I had over 16000 visits at minimum 1 page load of 244KB, which is almost 4 Gigs of transfer. True that half the visits where done during the first day when I posted it on every realm forum.
Actually you can save your data if you are using Mozilla or Firefox:
Tools/Form Manager/Fill in Form
Then you load that form everytime you open the page.
In a futur update, after release of 1.12, I might add an automatic talent filler using the talent calculator URL from Blizzard.
your +hit bug is makign sustained DpS impossible to tell. that really needs a fix and if you want I can help you
Nice calc. Keep up the good work. If I would add one thing it would be a way to link to a url that fills in all the numbers, like the way Bliz does for the talent calculators.
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