Saturday, July 15, 2006

Realm forums

I have posted on each realm forum about my calculator. It has helped alot for publicity because the Rogue Discussion is impossible to pass a message because of the number of posts about nerfs/buffs/patch 1.12/fanbois praising Blizzard for the slightest changes.

I am currently checking and replying to my post on each and every server now and then. I might be posting a message that I will stop monitoring next thursday if there is no more replies.


Anonymous said...

Where did your calculator go? Some bullshit ad company appears to have supplanted it.

ForeShadow said...

Yea I jsut noticed that the "Unlimited Bandwidth" is actually 128 Megs... I'm going to put it back to a mirror host in the meanwhile. Until I make a page with mirrors to pick from. The bandwidth used is incredible.

Anonymous said...

Is armor mitigation taken into consideration?

ForeShadow said...

Armor Mitigation is not taken in consideration yet. It might be in a futur version.

Anonymous said...

I think, that you are not right. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.